Archive for the ‘Web Development’ Category

Description of ‘Web Development’ Category:

Posts dealing with the creation of content on the World Wide Web.

How to Increase the Security for Your Website

Friday, November 18th, 2011

The security of your business’s website should be one of your highest priorities. A secure website is one of the best ways that you can establish trust with your customers. The security of your website will directly impact your number of visitors and has the potential to hinder or boost your sales. With the massive number of website intrusions this year alone, hacking has become a major concern for most online shoppers. Whether it is to protect your website or your customers personal or financial data, a secure website is a must have. The following are some tips for creating a strong and secure website environment for your consumers. Securing Your Website

Use a Strong Administrative and Database Password:

Creating a strong administrative and database password will prevent hackers from accessing the admin interface and from taking over your entire online business. If a hacker does gain entry to your website’s administration panel they can pretty much do whatever they please from defacing your website to committing fraud by pretending to be you or your company. To learn more about creating strong passwords visit Elements of a Strong Password.

Secure Admin Email Address

An admin email address is used to login to your web server, CMS, database. It should be kept private and different from the one that you have on your contact page.

Make sure you have Firewalls Implemented:

Configuring a firewall will help prevent unauthorized access to your site and acts as a filter for the information that is sent to and from your website. You should configure your firewall to the highest security preferences so that it will deter hackers from attempting to gain entry to your site.

Update Your Antivirus Program Regularly:

New malicious programs are created and discovered every day so it is important that you not only have Antivirus software but that you also keep it up to date. Antivirus programs scan, track, and remove any problems from your hard drive. Like Antivirus software a spyware program can detect and eliminate any spyware that has made a home on your hard drive.

Read the Latest Information on Tech Blogs:

Reading tech blogs regularly will keep you up to date on the most recent vulnerabilities and will help you stay one step ahead of hackers.

Use robots.txt to Keep Certain Things Hidden from Search Engines:

Add a robots.txt folder for the documents, images, and information that you do not want to be indexed by search engines.

Use a Secured FTP Access and Restrict Root Access

SFTP access prevents others from being able to view what you are uploading or downloading to & from the webserver. Restrict the access to certain non-system folders to prevent FTP uploads by people other than the system administrator.

Check Your Software and Third Party Scripts:

Ensure that any software you use is kept up to date with the latest security fixes. (Blogging software like WordPress, third party scripts, etc.) Also remove any scripts, services, or other software that you are no longer using.

Perform Security Testing:

It is important that once you have the previous security items in place that you perform security testing. Search your website and source code for any security flaws that may allow unauthorized access. You can check your source code for free with Source Code Analysis Tools. Using security plugins like WordPress Security Scan are also a great way to analyze the security of your site.

Keeping your website secure is a never ending job, there will always be new threats and hackers will continue to find new ways to gain unauthorized access. Implementing these suggestions in addition to doing your own research will help you to stay as far ahead of these types of individuals as possible

Thanks for Reading!


Providing Tech Support for Businesses in Maryland

Give Your Site a Speed Boost with the New Google Page Speed Service

Friday, August 12th, 2011

A couple weeks ago Google announced a new Page Speed Service which is currently available to only a limited number of webmasters. The new Page Speed service follows many previous speed assessment products that Google has released over the years, releases that include the Page Speed Browser Add-ons and Page Speed Online. These previous releases focused on scoring a websites speed performance and providing users with suggestions or feedback to increase their speed score.

page speed logo

from, August 2011

The new Page Speed is a service that doesn’t analyze your website’s speed but instead automatically increases it. The new service retrieves your content from the website server, rewrites the website using their specified guidelines, and then delivers it the site visitor even faster using their servers.

While using the Page Speed Service a website can expect to see a 25%-60% improvement however the exact amount of speed depends on a number of different factors. These factors include the amount of content on your pages, the browser, geographical location, bandwidth and more. Visit the web page test to analyze your website and determine the exact speed increase that the new page speed service can produce for your website.

The test works by simply visiting your site and then repeating the same test by substituting your website into the Page Speed Service. The test takes only minutes to perform and once complete the user is presented with a chart that details the load time from the original server, the load time from the Page Speed Service, the load time for repeat visits from both servers, the percentage of the speed increase, and multiple links to test details. The results also provide a visual rendering for the two speeds that clearly demonstrate to the user the exact amount of speed that they can expect to gain by using the Google Page Speed Service.

Visit the link to request to participate in the new Page Speed Trial.

How to use the Service:

  • Log into the Google APIs Console.
  • Provide the serving domain of the website you want to speed up.
  • Verify ownership of the domain through Google Webmaster Central.
  • At this stage, you will have an opportunity to preview how your site will look when rendered through the Page Speed Service.
  • Set up and provide the reference domain from where Page Speed Service will fetch your website content.
  • Change your site’s DNS CNAME entry and start using Page Speed Service to serve traffic to your users.
  • Monitor traffic and latency metrics for your web site from the Dashboard

Currently Google is offering this service free of charge to a limited number of users. At the conclusion of the trial period later this year the product will be available to everyone at a competitive price.

When performing a web page test for our own website we were able to see a 29% increase in our speed. For the best results we recommend using a combination of Google Page Speed online to determine how to reduce your website’s load time and the Page Speed Service to get an extra speed boost.

For more information visit the Page Speed Service FAQ.

Thanks for Reading and Have a Great Day!


Providing Tech Support for Businesses in Maryland

CSS sheet – Spacing after Header Tag

Friday, October 9th, 2009

Have you ever had trouble with spacing around Header tags?

I sure have.

I finally realized that my CSS sheet settings could fix this.

As with any HTML tags, just mention the tag in your CSS sheet and settings:

h1,h2,h3,h4 {

And that was my fix to remove space after a header.


As with any CSS entry we can also speak to the Header’s font in the style sheet.

h1,h2,h3,h4 {
font-family: arial; font-size: 14pt; text-transform: none; color: #000066;

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